New article in RBC magazine. No. 9 (15), September 2014.


New article in RBC magazine. No. 9 (15), September 2014.

Communication without borders The modern rhythm of life presupposes an almost round-the-clock presence of a person on-line, regardless of the time of day or days of the week. But what if on the weekend you want to go to the dacha to get some fresh air, and at this time you are waiting for an important Skype call? Or you want to move out of town and have already looked after a house in a new cottage village. Yes, there is beautiful nature nearby, a beautiful view from the window and clean air. But ... you need to be able to access the Internet consistently at an acceptable speed. Due to the location near the house (or village), there is no cable infrastructure for the provision of communication services, therefore, you cannot connect to the Internet in a "classical" way, and the speed of a cellular operator leaves much to be desired. In this case, the most reasonable solution would be to choose access to the Network via satellite.


It was to eliminate the digital inequality in the districts of Kazakhstan remote from the telecom infrastructure that ASTEL offered a new service of satellite Internet Daraline, to which any individual or legal entity can connect. Now, having purchased a country house in a newly built cottage village, you do not need to worry about how you will communicate on Skype, download files and correspond with friends and colleagues by mail or on social networks. Artem Urazimbetov, Head of Marketing of ASTEL JSC, was asked to share the advantages and peculiarities of the RBC CA project.


- Artem, what inspired ASTEL to develop and launch such a project? Who is this service primarily aimed at?


- ASTEL is a service integrator, one of the leaders in the Kazakhstani telecommunications market. He has more than 20 years of experience in implementing telecom projects and the largest satellite network in Kazakhstan, more than 2,600 satellite stations. Which testifies to the vast experience in satellite communications. We are witnessing the active development of Kazakhstan. In this regard, the business requires a constant online presence, the ability to quickly communicate with partners and participate in remote business negotiations. But due to the fact that the territory of Kazakhstan is large and there is a noticeable lag of the ground telecommunication infrastructure from the pace of development of the country, it is simply impossible to provide communication in many regions of the republic. The need for communication services is experienced by farms, cottage settlements, factories, recreation centers, objects of the oil and gas industry and geological exploration, remote settlements. Just to solve this problem - providing stable access to information resources and the Internet in the regions of Kazakhstan, where there is an acute shortage of terrestrial telecom infrastructure, ASTEL launched the Daraline service. Daraline Satellite Internet is designed for Clients who desperately need Internet access, create a corporate network, check email, watch videos, listen to music, chat on social networks and via Skype.


- You are independent from operators of terrestrial communication networks and connect to the network where there is a need. High-speed Internet at speeds up to 4Mb / s is available wherever it is convenient for you: in a country house, in a country house or at home. Independence from ground infrastructure - you need electricity to connect - 220V and a Client Satellite Kit. What technical means are required to activate the service? Are there any features, advantages of the solution?


- For the operation of the Daraline service, we use the equipment of the Israeli company Gilat Satellite Networks, which is compatible with all operating systems. Guaranteed access to the Internet in locations far from the telecom infrastructure is provided by the new advanced SkyEdge® II-C technology. A so-called VSAT station is installed on the client's side.

It consists of a SkyEdge® II-C broadband router and a small diameter satellite transmit-receive antenna - 0.75 m. Its size is an undoubted advantage of this project, since it does not take up as much space on the roof, wall or site as it does with larger antennas.


- Artem, everything is clear with the client set. Let's talk about the equipment that is on the side of the Telecom Operator.


- As I noted above, we cooperate with Gilat Satellite Networks and use their developments in the field of satellite communications. A highly reliable satellite central station SkyEdge II-c, the so-called hub, operates at the ASTEL technical site.

It provides traffic exchange with the Client Kit, control and management of the entire system. This important project is also being implemented in cooperation with domestic companies and organizations. For example, ASTEL acquires satellite capacity on the Kazakh satellite KazSat-3. ASTEL cooperates with the state company “Republican Center for Space Communication” (RCKS) in raising and landing the signal. As we all know, now to access the global network, a user simultaneously uses a PC, laptop, tablet and smartphone.


- How is this need of the Client solved - from the cottage you need access to the Internet from various devices?


- Yes, now the user is very active, uses many devices to access the Internet. When using the Daraline service, the Client can, if desired, connect not only one computer to the SkyEdge® II-C router, but create an entire local network so that many people can access the Internet at once. The client's equipment is specially designed for the given client's need. This function may be especially relevant, most likely, for the owners of various resorts, in which there are always a lot of guests who want to relax in nature.


- However, due to the location of these recreation areas in picturesque, but remote places from civilization, there are certain problems with communication. Let's recap. What is Daraline Service? What advantage does it have and what does the client get by using it?


- Daraline Satellite Internet gives a sense of freedom. There is no need to worry about whether the house is connected to the network of any telecom provider, whether a harmful neighbor has cut the wires before an important online meeting, and how well in this particular area it picks up the signal of one or another cellular operator. Now, thanks to the Daraline satellite Internet service from ASTEL, you get stable access to the Internet, the ability to conduct online meetings and business negotiations anywhere in Kazakhstan. Ksenia Fedorchenko