New article in RBC magazine: Remote objects in touch. No. 4 (21) April 2015


New article in RBC magazine: Remote objects in touch. No. 4 (21) April 2015

Remote objects connected. Today, there is no such business that would not have to solve tasks related to data transmission, from the banal sending of documents by e-mail to the organization of an extensive corporate data transmission network. Large companies are especially in need of this.


And since a large business has many different tasks that require automation, data transmission, telephony and others, the services of a service integrator, which include both communication services and system integration services, are especially relevant for them.


At the same time, companies from various industries have their own nuances in their work, which must be taken into account by the Service Integrator when providing services. For example, companies from the oil and gas sector are characterized by the presence of facilities that are remote from the central office. All these objects must be provided with communication, which is sometimes extremely difficult to organize. The difficulty lies in the fact that most of the facilities in the oil and gas sector are located in remote areas where there is no telecommunications infrastructure. Therefore, a high-quality and comprehensive solution of communication services in such a situation can only be offered by the Service-integrator. In particular, ASTEL is a service integrator that provides similar telecommunication solutions based on its own KazNet network on the SkyEdge platform, which is designed to create multi-service communication networks.


Given the remoteness of the company's facilities, the most convenient and economical way to transfer data is satellite communication. The SkyEdge platform is designed for organizing corporate communication networks, connecting geographically remote points of the company to the central office. Networks based on SkyEdge technology provide high-speed data transmission, satellite Internet, e-mail, telephony (long distance, international), video conferencing, database synchronization, and a high degree of protection of transmitted data.


 A similar project was implemented by ASTEL for the oil and gas giant Tengizchevroil. As part of the project, the companies installed SkyEdge equipment ground stations along the PRGS pipeline. Their maintenance is also performed by ASTEL specialists. The constructed system covered 5 objects of Tengizchevroil distant from each other. This made it possible to organize communication throughout the entire section of the serviced pipeline with the involvement of all personnel on the route. The SkyEdge system installed by ASTEL allows real-time monitoring of the system's health. Thanks to the installed system, a connection has appeared on the entire section of the Tengizchevroil OGRS pipeline, which can be used by the maintenance personnel of all five facilities of the company.


Now employees who maintain the pipeline receive complete information about the network infrastructure and can promptly notify all interested parties about emergency situations. Among other things, the SkyEdge system installed in Tengizchevroil has a unified management system and has the ability to configure profiles to restrict operator access to base stations, groups, services and channels. At such a large enterprise as Tengizchevroil, there are many different systems: management, accounting and monitoring of the entire infrastructure of the enterprise.


System integration allows you to combine all these elements into a single manageable complex, which in turn helps to manage the enterprise more efficiently and more efficiently, to see the entire infrastructure and its state in full. From each remote object located in the steppe, information should flow to the center. In order to ensure this, just satellite equipment and satellite communication channels are needed.


In the steppe conditions, where there is no telecommunication infrastructure, all data transmission issues are solved just by means of satellite communications, which is not only more convenient, but also more economical. So, according to ASTEL estimates, the average savings (in the case of using satellite communications) is 100 thousand dollars at a distance of 100 km. Where does the data come from? In other words, the advantages of equipping enterprises with modern communication technologies are obvious. At the same time, as noted in ASTEL, they are able to provide a high-quality individual solution for each industry.