The RBC magazine published an article: Inexpensive and effective! No.12 (28) December 2015


The RBC magazine published an article: Inexpensive and effective! No.12 (28) December 2015

Inexpensive and effective!

Despite the rapid development of communication technologies, the problem of communication and access to the global Internet is still urgent on a large territory of Kazakhstan. The main reason for this phenomenon is the impossibility of organizing ground infrastructure to all potential consumers due to their remoteness or inaccessibility. Today, satellite technologies are the optimal solution to this problem.


In the summer of this year, the Minister of Agriculture Asylzhan Mamytbekov spoke about the lack of awareness of regional authorities and enterprises regarding modern communication technologies. At the collegium, the minister clearly explained to the audience the principle of organizing satellite communications and told why the problem of remoteness of settlements can no longer be considered a valid reason for the lack of access to the Internet and the inhibition of the introduction of industry-specific automated programs.


Realny Business magazine decided to ask Mikhail Laptenko, director of the sales department of ASTEL, which has satellite communications services in its portfolio, whether the situation has changed over these months.


- As far as we know, you have already started a major project in the agricultural sector through satellite technology. What is your challenge?


- Yes, in 2015, ASTEL started building a satellite data transmission network in order to create a “Unified automated system for managing the sectors of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan“ E-Agriculture ”.



- Who is this project focused on and what technologies are used in it?


“As part of this project, we used a new service based on SkyEdge II-C satellite technology, which was acquired from our long-term partner, the Israeli company Gilat. This service is optimal for enterprises and organizations, including the public sector, which are located in settlements of the Republic, where there is no technical possibility of organizing terrestrial communication channels. With fairly small monthly payments, the client receives the bandwidth of the satellite data transmission channel up to 4 Mbit / s. The proposed solution based on SkyEdge II-C satellite technology provides users with constant access to all corporate and Internet resources. Due to the compact size of the installed equipment, its ease and speed of installation, the provision of service is carried out in the shortest possible time.


It is not necessary for the client to buy the equipment, it is provided by ASTEL for rent, while the technical support of the client is carried out around the clock.


- What does the service of satellite Internet and SkyEdge-C data transfer give customers?


- Efficiency in the provision of reporting information in accordance with the existing requirements of the ministry and, as a result, savings in transport costs for the delivery of correspondence and documents; quick response to public appeals and, accordingly, a more effective solution to the tasks set before the enterprise. In addition, access to the necessary legislative, regulatory and other information for employees of enterprises and organizations is significantly improved, which, in general, affects the efficiency of work processes.


In the future, we plan on the basis of the equipment used to provide our customers with the possibility of telephone communication. Did your SkyEdge-C service solve the tasks that were set by the minister at the board? Yes, within the framework of this project, agricultural enterprises received permanent access to both the internal information resources of the ministry and the global Internet. The SkyEdge-C service can be used by all legal entities operating in those regions of Kazakhstan where there are difficulties with the organization of communication and access to the Internet.


At the same time, we provide high-quality service and technical support in the required volume anywhere in our country, relying on our regional divisions located in all regional centers. At what stage is the project now? What has already been done? Today, SkyEdge II-C satellite equipment has already been installed in four regions: Almaty, Kostanay, Aktobe and Karaganda. In total, to date, we have installed 173 sets of satellite stations. Active work continues.