ASTEL JSC sponsored the festival of autumn transformation "Golden Uryuk"


ASTEL JSC sponsored the festival of autumn transformation "Golden Uryuk"

On October 6, in the Turgen gorge near Almaty, the festival of autumn transformation "Golden Uryuk" was held for the first time!


This name was given because of the abundance of colors that cover our mountains in the middle of autumn. After all, it is for this reason that our ancestors gave the mountains such a poetic name - Alatau, which translates as "variegated mountains".


In addition to admiring the beauty of the transformation of apricot leaves, the organizers and sponsors of the festival prepared for visitors an extensive entertainment program, free Wi-Fi throughout the festival, a large food zone, free travel on comfortable buses, master classes from artists and potters, and also a folk craft fair. The festival ended with a drawing of souvenir prizes and a solemn speech of the ideological inspirer and organizer of the festival - Mr. Aldar Mukhazhanovich Tungushbaev.


ASTEL JSC was among the first to support the idea of ​​holding the festival and, free of charge, provided free access to Wi-Fi for all visitors of the festival via a mobile satellite communications complex - MSK, so that as many people as possible would know about the festival, so that it would be held has become a good autumn tradition for all residents and guests of our city.