Transtelecom. Video conferencing on medical trains

Transtelecom. Video conferencing on medical trains

About the project

The project was aimed at organizing data transmission on Salamatty-Kazakstan, Zhardem and Densaulyk medical trains. Solutions for data transmission, Internet access, telephony and video conferencing were based on SkyEdge satellite terminals. In 2010 ASTEL supplied and installed special equipment using technologies of Gilat Satellite Networks which enabled data, voice and video transmission both in a stationary position of the trains and in motion. The trains that run between remote stations were used by medical specialists to carry out a full cycle of examinations and outpatient operations.


The medical team included qualified therapists, pediatricians, neuropathologists, ophthalmologists, ENT physicians, gynecologist,s surgeons, urologists, mammologists and dentists. With the help of video conferencing, medical train specialists broadcasted operations and consultations from remote areas to Nur-Sultan city.


The social project was unique for Kazakhstan, since it brought a new type of mobile multidisciplinary diagnostic assistance to railway workers and their families, as well as for rural population.



Get consultation, commercial offer and additional information on services by contacting ASTEL by phone +7 (727) 312-00-02 or by calling regional offices that are listed on the Contact page.

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